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Compliments Policy and Procedure

1. Purpose

a. Zi Foundation is committed to addressing concerns and complaints effectively and fairly. This policy aims to provide a clear process for handling complaints from stakeholders across various regions of operation.

2. Scope

a. This policy applies to all stakeholders, including beneficiaries, donors, volunteers, staff, and any individuals or entities interacting with the charity across [ie Europe and Asia].


3. Principles

a. Accessibility: The complaints procedure will be accessible and available in multiple languages commonly used within the charity’s operational regions.
b. Fairness and Transparency: Complaints will be handled impartially, confidentially, and transparently, ensuring a fair and consistent approach.
c. Timeliness: Efforts will be made to address complaints promptly and within reasonable time frames.
d. Learning and Improvement: Complaints will be treated as opportunities for learning and improving the charity’s operations and services.


4. Lodging a Complaint

a. Channels: Complaints can be submitted in writing via email, letter, or through the charity’s official website. Contact details will be clearly communicated.
b. Anonymous Complaints: Anonymous complaints will be accepted, although providing contact information allows for easier investigation and resolution.
c. Accessibility: Complainants can be signposted towards independent local advocacy services to assist with submitting the complaint if needed.


5. Complaint Handling Procedure

a. Receipt of Complaint: Upon receiving a complaint, an acknowledgment will be sent within [specify timeframe, e.g., 3 working days].
b. Investigation: The complaint will be investigated by an appointed individual or team impartial to the issue raised.
c. Resolution: Efforts will be made to resolve the complaint satisfactorily and within [specify timeframe, e.g., 14 working days]. If a resolution takes longer, regular updates will be provided to the complainant.
d. Communication: The outcome of the investigation and any actions taken will be communicated to the complainant in writing.


6. Appeals

a. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the resolution, they may appeal within [specify timeframe, e.g., 14 working days] of receiving the outcome. An impartial review will be conducted, and the decision communicated promptly.

7. Reporting and Learning

a. Complaints and their resolutions will be recorded, analysed, and used to identify patterns or areas for improvement within the charity’s operations.
b. An annual report summarising complaints and actions taken will be compiled for review by the charity’s governance body.

8. Multicultural Considerations

a. Cultural sensitivities and regional legal requirements will be considered when handling complaints to ensure respect for diverse perspectives and norms.

9. Handling Repeat or Vexatious Complaints

9.1. Definition
a. Repeat Complaints: Occur when the same complaint issue is raised multiple times, despite having been previously addressed and resolved satisfactorily.
b. Vexatious Complaints: Refers to complaints that are persistently raised with the intent to cause disruption, harass, or without substantial grounds.
9.2. Identification
a. The charity will track and document complaints to identify patterns or situations where complaints become repetitive or vexatious.
b. Repeat or vexatious complaints will be distinguished from genuine, new complaints through thorough review and documentation recognising that a person could have a genuine, new complaint even if they have submitted repeat or vexatious complaints previously.
9.3. Management Approach
a. Fair Assessment: All complaints will be initially assessed impartially to ensure that even repeat or vexatious complaints with new information are not dismissed outright.
b. Special Handling: Complaints identified as repeat or vexatious will undergo a specific review process by a designated committee or individual knowledgeable about the previous complaints and resolutions.
9.4. Communication and Decision Making
a. The complainant will be notified if their complaint is identified as repeat or vexatious, providing clear reasons and evidence for this determination.
b. Decisions regarding how to handle such complaints will be made based on the individual circumstances of each case, considering the best interests of the charity and fairness to the complainant.
c. The charity reserves the right to limit or cease correspondence and investigation of repeat or vexatious complaints after appropriate communication with the complainant.
9.5. Appeals Process
a. Complainants dissatisfied with the determination of their complaint as repeat or vexatious may appeal this decision. The appeal will be reviewed by an independent and impartial body or individual not previously involved in the complaint.
9.6. Record Keeping and Reporting
a. All instances of repeat or vexatious complaints, their handling, and outcomes will be recorded separately and maintained for reference and reporting purposes.
b. An annual summary report of repeat or vexatious complaints will be included in the charity’s overall complaints report, ensuring transparency and accountability.
9.7. Review and Continuous Improvement
a. This policy section will be periodically reviewed to ensure its effectiveness and fairness in handling repeat or vexatious complaints.
b. Any necessary adjustments or improvements to the policy will be made to maintain compliance and fairness.

10. Review and Compliance

a. Cultural sensitivities and regional legal requirements will be considered when handling complaints to ensure respect for diverse perspectives and norms.

a. This policy will be periodically reviewed to ensure compliance with legal requirements and best practices across regions of operation.


Date adopted [01.09.2023]

Next review due [01.09.2034]





77 Lincoln Rd, Peterborough PE1 2SH, United Kingdom

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Make A Better Life